I find Dr Stanislaw Burzynski morally reprehensible.

I think this because his treatment is sold for extortionate amounts of money to vulnerable, dying cancer patients in their last months – sometimes bringing them thousands of miles away from the majority of their family – so they can be injected with a drug that’s been in development for more than 30 years, yet has no evidence base to support its use. We also know that he uses large amounts of chemotherapy in his clinic too but charging extortionate amounts of money for it.

Also, I think he is morally reprehensible because if he really has discovered a cure for various cancers, why the hell is he sitting on 30+ years of research when he could publish it and convince the scientific community that antineoplaston therapy is effective? He has a moral duty to do so. Hell, even if the results are negative he has a moral duty given the amount of money he’s charging. If it turns out that his treatment is ineffective, he should put his hands up and state “Look guys, it was a hypothesis that just didn’t work out.” If it turns out that his treatment is ineffective, he’d be wise to donate the large sums of money he’s made to cancer research. Sure, it’d be humiliating to have his life’s work undone, but at the same time it means that cancer patients wouldn’t be misled into believing his treatment is effective.

Another thing I don’t understand is why Burzynski’s patients/relatives of patients don’t demand that he publishes the results. They’re paying for this research to happen. Without their funds, Burzynski wouldn’t have been able to do the research. They funded it, so surely they have influence over whether he writes the trial up. Or am I just being too hopeful? If I were in that situation and something appeared to be working, I’d want it to be written up to further scientific research so that more people could benefit.

I have one thing to ask of you and one thing only. Tweet something along these lines:

RT @rhysmorgan Burzynski has had more than 30 years to publish his data. Why doesn’t he prove antineoplastons work? http://rhysmorgan.co/2012/01/burzynski-morally-reprehensible


RT @rhysmorgan Burzynski has a moral duty to publish his data. If it works, it’ll be more widely available. http://rhysmorgan.co/2012/01/burzynski-morally-reprehensible

or of course, phrase it in your own way.

Also, if anyone knows of any way that could force Burzynski to present his data or hand it over to someone capable of writing it up. I’d appreciate your contact! Use the Contact Me link or tweet to me. Thanks.

Published by Rhys

Computer Science graduate, from Oxford Brookes University. Originally from Cardiff.

Join the conversation


  1. The only way I can think of to get him to publish is to shame him into doing so – keep applying the pressure. Keep doing what you’re doing, and get everyone else to join in – I’m in for a start …

    1. Burzynski is a real mystery. My own guess is that he is waiting for Obama to change the patent laws. Now the government, and billions and billions of public donations pay for drug research, but the drug companies have the exclusive rights, and ownership on the patent, and they mark up the profits 2-3 hundred thousand % on the drugs.When Obama will change the patent laws, the government will own the patents, and will rent it out to, maybe even hundreds of manufacturers for a small fee, and will compensate from the fees the original inventor.
      I dont know how the Burzynski prices compere with other cancer clinics, or if he gets any research money from the government, but as I heard some cancer hospitals could cost 3-5 hundred thousand dollars, {In the back room open the champagne bottles][ maybe this is my sinister side of my skepticism.]
      However now a lot of stem cell clinics opening up everywhere to cure everything, but I m cot convinced how injecting some dead cells into people would cure anything, or how it would regenerate any organ that was taken out.
      In Russia the Dr Petrov system is regenerating organs, and cure everything, and even raising the dead without any stem cells, or drugs in his Moscow clinic.

      1. I suspect that if US patent laws are changed, or if the health authorities shut down his clinic for unethical practice, or if the tax authorities get too curious, Burzynski will move to somewhere like Mexico.

        The patents are in his name, not the research institute’s.

        As for prices, Burzynski’s have been established to be well over the top, charging many times more for FDA-approved drugs than other clinics, such as M.D. Anderson. Otherwise, there seems to be a deliberate veil over how much he actually makes. It is certainly well in excess of $5 million p.a.

      2. Mmmm … do you know the basics of the American government? The Executive Branch doesn’t legislate so Obama cannot “change the patent laws.” Then you suggest that after the patent laws are changed the “government will own the patents.” You loco?

      1. Bowel cancer 13 years ago, stage 3C survival rate of about 40%. I choose chemo’, the established treatment with supporting evidence and guess what I’m still here, looks like I did seek a cure. Based on your logic my anecdote proves that the mainstream works, end of.
        Also it didn’t cost me a penny, thank-you NHS!
        BTW What Burzynski does is chemotherapy.

      2. Dude – Dr. B is using chemotherapy: the only difference is that his chemotherapy is the unproven, really expensive kind.

    2. Was looking for an update now that the case against the doctor has been dropped.against the doctor.

  2. Thing is, *IF* the data exists, and *IF* he publishes it and *IF* it proves antineoplastibobbers DO work, other people will start doing it too and he will lose his monopoly, therefore he’s out of pocket..

    Thing is, *IF* the data exists, and *IF* he publishes it and *IF* it proves antineoplastibobbers DON’T work, people won’t bother signing up for his clinic, therefore he’s out of pocket…

    So from his accountant’s point of view, it’s publish AND be damned.


  3. I suspect that Burzynski’s patients/relatives of patients don’t fully appreciate that it’s a clinical trial, and not an innovative treatment. It’ll be down to people like you Rhys, Ben Goldacre and the other sceptics to raise the profile of this issue. Keep up the good work, you have my support.

  4. To me this is the single worst aspect of the whole fiasco. It’s clear that the main active ingredient of antineoplaston therapy is a known drug called phenylacetate, sometimes given in its pro-drug form as phenylbutyrate – both drugs are licensed for use in the US and Europe, and in the US phenylbutyrate is approved for use off-label for treating some cancers.

    These drugs have been investigated by the medical research community and found to be pretty crappy, and ineffective in most cancers, although with inkilings of efficacy in some brain tumours.

    There are a number of apparent brain tumour success stories that have emerged from the clinic, but we have absolutely no way of knowing whether it is genuinely his treatment that has worked – for example, what stage they were, prior treatment history, how many people *weren’t* successful…

    Given that Burzynski has basically been running clinical trials of *known, licensed drugs* in potentially hundreds of brain tumours patients for several years it is absolutely scandalous that he has not published any decent clinical data to show whether they work or not.

    By deliberately hiding the true identity of these chemicals (“antineoplastons – it just sounds like bullshit straight away…) he has misled the medical and research community and potentially deprived thousands of patients from knowing about a licensed drug that may have some efficacy in brain tumours. The sad thing is that until he actually publishes his research, like any ethical, compassionate doctor should, we will never know if it works or not.

    This is why we should be extremely careful when talking about patients that have or are currently been in the care of the Burzynski clinic. They have paid their money and taken their choice. I wish them all the very, very best of luck.Let’s not forget that they *are* getting known drugs, and there *is* preliminary evidence of efficacy (not just from Burzynski – see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=phenylbutyrate%20cancer and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=phenylacetate%20cancer )

    The full beam of our anger should be focused on the behaviour of Burzynski and his clinic, and also the people who uncritically promote this as a “cure for all cancers”.

    If treating brain tumours with phenylacetate/phenylbutyrate does work, his actions have deprived many thousands of cancer patients of knowing about a drug that potentially might benefit them, or (if it doesn’t work) he has perpetuated a wicked fraud.

    I hold absolutely no truck with claims of “conspiracy” – that the NCI/FDA are suppressing this cure. From my reading of the evidence I’ve managed to find, this stems from an incident in the 1990s involving a scientist (Dvorit Samid) who worked for Burzynski, and a successfully treated patient who was related to a big cheese at a pharma company.

    The company got interested in the therapy, then realised the active ingredient was actually the known drug phenylacetate (researched in cancer since the 1950s). Burzynski failed to patent PA because he didn’t think it was the active ingredient in antineoplastons, which just goes to show what a poor scientist he is. The NCI patented PA/PB as cancer treatment and set about running clinical trials (for free!!). Annoyingly, the results of the largest of these (a phase 2 trial involving a large number of kids with brain tumours) was never published, suggesting the results were less than impressive. But the narrative “we tried it, it actually turned out to be a bit rubbish and cause crappy side effects so we don’t use it” is much less powerful than “ZOMG! THE NCI AND EVIL FDA STOLE HIS TREATMENT AND ARE SUPPRESSING IT BECOZ THEY WANT U TO DIE OF TEH CANCER!!!!111”

    Instead of giving up the game and joining in with the trials, Burzynski has maintained the charade of “antineoplastons” and gone it alone (for money!!). Interestingly, he holds a patent for making phenylbutyrate (phenylacetate costs pennies, and is cheaper than PB) so he doesn’t have to buy it from the company that sells it (Ucyclyd) – this might explain why his patients can only get “antineoplastons” from his pharmacy, and at apparently huge cost http://margaretmanning.blogspot.com/2009/04/pills-and-bills.html

    He has no incentive to prove whether his therapy works or not – as long as there are alt-med conspiracy nuts spinning their “non-toxic non-chemo cancer cure” line and desperate patients, he will get patients rolling in and all the $$$ goes to his coffers. Meanwhile the NCI and all the other ethical cancer researchers around the world go back to finding genuine ways to improve survival from this shitty disease.

    In my opinion Burzynski is not a quack in the traditional sense. From the evidence I’ve seen, my opinion is he is apparently a very poor scientist and an unethical doctor. I can only conclude that the only patients he cares about are the ones who can afford to come through his doors.

  5. It’s CLEAR to me that you have NOT done your homework. But choose to believe the US FDA, in fact I suspect you are part of them in order to bring suspicious ideas about Burzynski’s CURE!

    Did you NOT see the interviews with countless HEALED people who would be otherwise DEAD as a result of the traditional means for treating cancer?

    Watch before you comment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyX34TRySOM&feature=share

    Look, why don’t you take a look at the SLEW of evidence against the FDA trying to smear him as you are.

    You will not smother the truth!!! The TRUTH will always be revealed. People deserve to LIVE and NOT die.


    1. Shelia, I hate to break it to you (ok, not really) but we all will die. And that will be that…done and dusted.
      Secondly, a bunch of youtube videos and ‘patient’ interviews don’t prove anything least of all the TRUTH (your capitals). Evidence will reveal the TRUTH. The good doctor Burzynski can have a whole youtube channel full of groupies singing Kumbaya in praise of his uber-genius, in absence of any data and evidence to underpin such assertions he remains a quack. Simple really.

      1. They said the same about Tesla..stole his work and re-packaged it.. the truth is the best way to keep the money flowing, because this is about dollars people, is to discredit, then sneak in the back door and steal the work you discredit, then repackage it in segments, so noone will ever be the wiser. i did see the films and viewed the patents. question: if his work means nothing and he is a quack, why did the government patent the exact same things the good doctor had patents on? and why did the do it during the trials.? im just saying…i dont believe the usfda nor the nci for a minute, they stand to loose billions..

        1. Mike- “why did the government patent the exact same things the good doctor had patents on?”

          Could you please clarify what you mean by this? What patents does Burzynski hold and how did the government patent the same thing? Isn’t the point of patents that other people can’t do the same thing?

          I put to you the reverse of your own question- If his work does mean something and he is not a quack, how is it that he has been in business since the 70s without:
          a) being able to progress past stage II clinical trials?
          b) being able to publish clear results as to the overall efficiacy of his treatment (not just the occasional singular case)?
          c) convincing the FDA -the people in charge of making sure drugs are safe- that his treatment is both viable and safe?
          d) convincing at least a decent chunk of unconnected medical professionals that his treatment works?
          e) convincing himself that his antineoplastons treatment actually works, as he uses chemotherapy medications alongside his own inventions? (see Rhys’ link to oncologist David Gorski’s article- fascinating and enlightening)

          You cannot base any argument on what you’ve seen on Youtube, in the same way that you cannot (and should not) be convinced by reading one man’s blog. What you should do is read as much as possible from as many sources as possible. Cross reference the facts, if possible research the data published in medical journals or other credible scientific sources and as a general rule trust the opinion of a respected medical professional over that of a video created and posted by an anonymous Youtube user.

    1. Sheila, the only reason your first comment wasn’t immediately available was because Akismet picked up it and WordPress asked me to vet it.
      And I let it through.
      And remember; keep trollin’!

    2. And since your comment was posted, we know that this site is for the truth and thus against Burzynski.

  6. I agree with the idea of a moral duty to publish his work if he has indeed cured (some) cancer. However, the idea that his patients have the right to demand that he publish because their money funded the research is a bit naive. I bought an iPod. That doesn’t give me any right to demand that Apple divulge their R&D to me or anyone else. I bought a product. End of transaction.

    1. Bryan – nobody dies if someone else doesn’t know how to make an iPod. Your comment is ridiculous. Cancer treatments are developed and tested by scientists all over the world – they are patented and published and shared so that doctors can save lives.

      If Burzynski is sitting on the “cure for cancer”, then it is his moral duty to publish. Based on information on the clinic’s own website, antineoplastons are known drugs that are licensed in Europe and the US. How amazing would it be if the “Burzsnki protocol” was used by doctors all over the world to save children dying of brain tumours?! It would make his name, and he would go down in history in the same way that Sidney Farber and all the other genuine pioneers have.

      The fact that he refuses to publish the results of decades of “trials” suggests that in fact the treatment doesn’t work. This is not some crazy new drug that costs $$$$$$$ to make. It’s drugs that have been known about for decades, and in the case of phenylacetate cost pennies. Where is the data?

    2. Bryan- I find what you have just written utterly horrific. You cannot possibly compare cancer to any form of MP3 player. For starters, you bought the iPod because you know it works. With or without a schematic diagram, millions of people have iPods and they clearly are an effective way of playing music. Furthermore, if for some reason your iPod doesnt work, you can take it to the Apple store and they will fix or replace it. If you participate in a trial for a cancer treatment, you certainly deserve to see the paperwork, whether or not you have contributed financially to the project. Admittedly, prospective patients should really look for at least some positive data before handing over their money but as this is advertised as a trial, you can forgive hope outweighing existant fact. To participate in a trial but then have the results denied to you, and the wider public, is as illogical as running in a race but no one announcing the placements. Except far more emotionally damaging, scientifically inept and generally wrong by most peoples’ standards. And, as I mentioned, if your iPod doesn’t work you can take it back, if your cancer treatment doesn’t work, you die. So please be careful with flippant similes.

    3. You bought an iPod to listen to music (maybe watch some movies or TV shows). You can do those things with your iPod- the end result was delivered as promised; end of story.

      If you bought your iPod because you had a malignant brain tumor and Apple said that listening to music on an iPod would cure even late stage neurological cancer, then you better believe they would have to share their research. They wouldn’t have to let the world know how the iPod is made; but they would have to divulge all the clinical trial data supporting it’s safety and efficacy at treating brain cancer.

  7. I’m a skeptical old lady.

    Why? Well, first, I’m skeptical because of my own medical training, which informs me that if nothing else, research such as that done by this doctor, is inherantly flawed.

    I’m further skeptical because I don’t believe in the established medical and financial cannons and the blah-back relating to them. Yes, in fact, I DO believe that there is a medical INDUSTRY, but I also know, albeit based on personal and anecdotal experience, that a great many, if not most, people who go into research, even at the upper echelons, actually do have some altruistic leanings, or at least a spirit of “what happens if…?”

    In other words, no I don’t think refusals to accept alternative, or even “alternative” (note the admittedly sarcastic differentiation) necessarily mean that there’s a conspiracy to promote big business.

    And finally, why am I a skeptical OLD lady?

    Twelve years ago I had fatal, end-stage, breast cancer.

    Yes, dear, you read it right.

    Why am I alive? Because I pursued aggressive treatment. Oncology was NOT my field of expertise. That didn’t prevent me from researching treatment plans, nor did it prevent me from actively questioning and participating in my own care.

    I am not a religious person, though I am a spiritual person. I spent as much time sitting under a tree as I did sitting in the clinic with a needle in my arm and drugs flowing into me.

    I watched what I ate (sometimes twice, once eating it and once throwing it up!). I tried to maintain not a sense of normalcy, but at least a semblance of daily life.

    I was NEVER desperate enough to resort to unproven “miracle” cures or anything else.

    Clinical notes in my medical records cite the fact that I never appeared depressed; because the care team never saw me depressed. Remember the tree I mentioned above? The tree “saw” my tears. No one else did.

    One of the care team even notes the deep sense of spiritual commitment I showed, though she somehow missed the real factor —

    — Sheer scottish stubbornness. No damned collection of misguided cells was going to make ME die before I am good and ready to do so.

    That’s why I researched, read, participated, and facilitated my own care.

    But what I find most tragic about any discussion of any kind of cancer is simply this — People like this Dr.B-thing prey not only on the bank accounts (and tax dollars) of terrified, desperate patients…

    … They prey also on their emotions. This is the most insidious form of emotional blackmail and torture that I can imagine.

    This man promises a “cure” for over one hundred forms of cancer, if a patient PAYS him to participate in a clinical trial.

    Yes, and, televangelists promise you that their god will make you prosperous if you send them money. Psychics tell you that for a small fee, they will give you lottery numbers, or sweepstakes hits, or help you avoid disasters.

    At least P.T Barnum, under the same conditions, actually delivered on his promise to show sensation-seekers the “Egress”… or “Way Out”.

    In short? Dr. B-thing is less honest than a carnival side-show poster.

    1. Thanks for your story Alla – hope you continue to be skeptical for a long while yet.

      From what I’ve seen, the most egregious damage is being done not by the clinic themselves (who seem to be relatively cautious in what they do and don’t claim) but by those speaking in their name – for example, the zealots on Twitter, blogs, Youtube, Facebook etc who say “ZOMG he has a CURE FOR ALL CANCERS!!!” This is a dangerous nonsense – we know exactly what he is doing – some patients are getting conventional chemo and targeted agents, with or without phenylacetate/phenylbutyrate (aka “antineoplastons”), while others – mostly with brain tumours – are just getting “antineoplastons” (usually intravenous phenylacetate and phenylacetylglutamine). Let us never forget that these are known drugs that are licensed in the US and Europe and can be used off-label to treat cancer. http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/index.php/stanislaw-burzynski-antineoplastons-and-the-orphan-drug-sodium-phenyl-butyrate/

      I very much doubt that any patient with a cancer that *isn’t* a brain tumour is receiving “antineoplastons” alone – and from what I’ve seen of the submission to the Texas Medical Board and the clinic’s own papers, patients with other types of cancer are getting all manner of chemo. therefore people who claim that “Burzynski’s antineoplastons are a cure for all types of cancer” are desperately ignorant of the true nature of what the clinic offers.

      As I said before, the saddest thing is that if there is *any* efficacy of PA/PB for brain tumours – which I believe there might be, given the research done by proper scientists into it – we will never know, because Burzynski’s research methods are so shockingly bad. And that is a disgrace to the medical profession and a disservice to cancer patients around the world.

      With the latest revelations that one of his former patients is suing him for “using her like an ATM” and displaying what allegedly looks like callous negligence, deception and fraud, Burzynski’s unquestioning fans should be looking very hard at what the good doctor actually offers in his clinic, and whether he is acting in the best interests of his patients, or his bank balance:

  8. Another fine piece Rhys, your passion is impressive as you back it up with fact- too many people get carried away with their own feelings that they forget that very important side of it!
    Thanks for putting in that link to David Gorski’s page, really fascinating stuff. Even without any medical training and minimal knowledge I understood most of it and was shocked by his findings. With clear information like this, from someone who is so obviously well trained, well read and well respected in his field, it is baffling that anyone can back Burzynski, let alone give him money.
    Keep up the good work and I really really hope that, eventually, it will pay off.
    Much respect man.

  9. Rhys,

    Unfortunately, it appears the person who contacted you may not have been actually a legal representative. At some point in your communications, I believe you mention you even suspected as much.

    Out of fairness, is tough based off those communications alone, to determine if the Doctor was aware of this situation with your blog and the person who contacted you. To the contrary, it would appear Burzynski’s legal council may have absolutely nothing to do with the original offending communication of a 3rd party non-lawyer. (which continues to portray his client in a bad light)

    Now that you have had some sort of contact with his real legal council, I am sure your council can help you sort the “fairness” of that issue, if it has ever actually been raised by the Doctor at all, which was unclear,

    Reason for my post:

    Last night on Netflix viewed a movie called “Burzynski”. Today, I googled his name and read your blog. I had never heard of him.

    Recognizing the movie “Burzynski” may not change your opinion regarding the treatment at all, Out of fairness, I do think the movie affords the viewer a different perspective regarding some of the questions you raise.

    In particular, “why the trials that had been started may have been stopped”, As well as some insight regarding some rather significant legal costs and administrative burdens he has faced, Those significant legal costs and administrative burdens,(which were eye opening) could also be provide insight relating to the costs associated with running the facility and providing the treatments.

    I didn’t notice a post mentioning your viewing of the movie, which I located on netflix. I noted there was a facebook page for the movie as well. I myself have no personal opinion as to the efficacy of this treatment, However, the legal issues raised in the movie were very significant. I recommend watching it.

    Best regards

  10. Rhys,

    I need to correct something in my previous post that I attributed to you incorrectly. Below is the portion of my post:

    “Now that you have had some sort of contact with his real legal council,”

    The above referenced communication with the is not a result of reading your postings but instead another blogger and not yourself. You may or may not have had subsequent communications with the doctors actual attorney, that is unclear to me. The mistake came as a result from my viewing several articles including your own that are linked from one site. Again my apologies in advance.
    .Best Regards

  11. Anti neoplaston therapy seems to be working for Laura! If Laura had listened to you Rhys she would be dead! What do you have to say to that? Why do you insist antineoplastons are a fraud when people have been healed by it?
    Just because it doesn’t heal everyone dosen’t mean it can’t help some people.
    Chemotherapy only works in 3% of cases and it isn’t cheap either!

    1. “If Laura had listened to you Rhys she would be dead! ”

      How do you know that? Are you psychic?

      “Chemotherapy only works in 3% of cases and it isn’t cheap either!”

      Anti-neoplaston therapy is chemotherapy – the only difference is that it’s untested, and that unlike ethical doctors, Dr. B has no qualms about charging people for the privilege of being his guinea pigs.

  12. “RT @rhysmorgan Burzynski has a moral duty to publish his data. If it works, it’ll be more widely available. http://rhysmorgan.co/2012/01/burzynski-morally-reprehensible

    Dr. Stanislaw R. Burzynski continuously publishes scientific articles, book chapters and delivers scientific presentations. Below is a list of published work. For more information about a specific publication or to obtain a copy, please email info@burzynskiclinic.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

    Burzynski, S.R, Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, G.S., Szymkowski, B., Acelar, S.S. OT-15. Preliminary results of a phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in adult patients with recurrent mixed gliomas. Neuro-Oncology 2010;12(Suppl. 4):iv72.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R, Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. CB-15. Targeting microRNAs in glioma cells with antineoplastons. Neuro-Oncology 2010;12(Suppl. 4):iv10.

    Burzynski, S.R, Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T., E, Szymkowski, B., Acelar, S.S., Burzynski, G.S. A phase II study of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 injections in children with low-grade astrocytomas. Neuro-Oncology 2010;12(6):ii95.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R, Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Antineoplastons initiate caspase induced apoptosis by suppressing survivin expression in U87 glioblastoma cells. Neuro-Oncology 2010;12(6):ii87.

    Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B., Burzynski, S.R. Over a 10-year survival and complete response of a patient with diffuse intrinsic brainstem glioma (DBSG) treated with antineoplastons (ANP). Neuro-Oncology 2009;11:923.

    Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B., Burzynski, G.S. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 in patients with brainstem glioma: Protocol BC-BT-11. Neuro-Oncology 2009;11:951.

    Burzynski, S.R. The coming pandemic of liver cancer: In search of genomic solutions. In: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume XI;2009.

    Burzynski, S.R. Practical application of gene silencing theory of aging. Life extension in animal testing and human clinical trials. In: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume XI;2009.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S., Chittur, S., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. The ingredients of antineoplaston AS2-1 down-regulate glycolysis pathways in glioblastoma cells. Neuro-Oncology 2008;10:1148.

    Burzynski, S., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Szymkowski, B., Burzynski, G. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 infusions (ANP) in patients with recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma. Neuro-Oncology 2008;10:1067.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S., Chittur, S., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Antineoplaston AS2-1 affects cell cycle checkpoints, leading to apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells. Neuro-Oncology 2008;10:786.

    Burzynski, S., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Burzynski, G., Samuel, S., Szymkowski, B. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in patients with newly diagnosed anaplastic astrocytoma: A preliminary report. Neuro-Oncology 2008; 10:821.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Walczak, M., Szymkowski, B., Samuel, S. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in children with optic pathway glioma: A preliminary report. Neuro-Oncology 2008;10:450.

    Burzynski, S.R. The genes of life. Farmapress Publishers, 2008.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genomic approach to cancer treatment. In: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume X; 2008;37-44.

    Burzynski, S.R. Recent clinical trials in diffuse intrinsic brainstem glioma. Cancer Therapy 2007;5, 379-390.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Szymkowski, B. A case report of a complete response and 20-year survival of a patient with a recurrent diffuse intrinsic brainstem anaplastic astrocytoma. Neuro-Oncology 2007;9:536.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Phenylacetylglutamine (PG) and phenylacetate (PN) interact additively to produce detachment-induced apoptosis/anoikis in glioblastoma cells. Neuro-Oncology 2007;9:482.

    Burzynski, S.R. The Genetic Solution for Anti-Aging. In: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume IX; 2007;63-70.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genetics of Brain Aging (I). Gene Silencing in Neurons. In: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume IX; 2007;71-78.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genetics of Brain Aging (II). Genetic Mechanisms in Encoding and Consolidation of Memory. In: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Volume IX; 2007;79-88.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Jurida, G.F., Szymkowski, B.G., Kubove, E. Phase II studies of Antineoplastons A10 and AS 2-1 (ANP) in children with newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic brainstem gliomas. Neuro-Oncology 2007;9:206.

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    Czerniak, Z., Burzynski, S. Qualitative analysis of amino acids using the multiple development of chromatograms in different eluents. Chem Anal 1969;14:673-676.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Czerniak, Z., Burzynski, S. Quantitative determinations of free amino acids in human blood with the use of our own method and Beckman amino acid analyzer. Pol Arch Med Wewn 1968;40:223-228.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Czerniak, Z., Burzynski, S. Quantitative determinations of free amino acids in the blood of patients with myocardial infarction using a new method of photometry of the negative printed chromatograms. Pol Arch Med Wewn 1968;41:361-368.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Czerniak, Z., Burzynski, S. Quantitative determinations of carbohydrates and their statistical analysis, II. Analysis of variance for four-crossed classification and Tukey confidence intervals. Chem Anal 1968;13:1229-1238.

    Burzynski, S. Investigations on amino acids and peptides in blood serum of healthy people and patients with chronic renal insufficiency. 1968; Lublin, Poland: 274 pp (doctoral dissertation).

    Krzeczkowska, I., Burzynski, S. Czerniak Z. Quantitative determination of amino acids using photometry of negative printed chromatograms. Ann Univ MC Sklodowska 1966;21:125-134.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Czerniak, Z., Burzynski, S. The application of the negative printed chromatograms for quantitative determination of free amino acids in the blood of healthy people. Ann Univ MC Sklodowska 1966;21:313-322.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Burzynski, S., Czerniak, Z. Investigations on the possibility of the determination of mushroom species on the basis of the composition of their amino acids. Ann Univ MC Sklodowska 1965;20:221-229.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Czerniak, Z., Burzynski, S. Free and bound amino acids of some edible mushrooms. Ann Univ MC Sklodowska 1965;20:303-312.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Czerniak, Z., Burzynski, S. Bound amino acids of some edible mushrooms. Ann Univ MC Sklodowska 1964;19:329-336.

    Krzeczkowska, I., Burzynski, S., Czerniak, Z. Free amino acids of some edible mushrooms. Ann Univ MC Sklodowska 1964;19:321-328.


    Burzynski, S.R, Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, G.S., Szymkowski, B., Acelar, S.S. OT-15. Preliminary results of a phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in adult patients with recurrent mixed gliomas. Presented at the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology; November 16-22, 2010; Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R, Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. CB-15. Targeting microRNAs in glioma cells with antineoplastons. Presented at the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology; November 16-22, 2010; Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

    Burzynski, S.R, Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T., E, Szymkowski, B., Acelar, S.S., Burzynski, G.S. A phase II study of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 injections in children with low-grade astrocytomas. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO); June 20-23, 2010; Vienna, Austria.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R, Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Antineoplastons initiate caspase induced apoptosis by suppressing survivin expression in U87 glioblastoma cells. Presented at the 14th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO); June 20-23, 2010; Vienna, Austria.

    Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B., Burzynski, G.S. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 in patients with brainstem glioma. Protocol BC-BT-11. Presented at the 3rd Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology jointly with the 6th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology; May 11-14, 2009; Yokohama, Japan.

    Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B., Burzynski, S.R. Over a 10-year survival and complete response of a patient with diffuse intrinsic brainstem glioma (DBSG) treated with antineoplastons (ANP). Presented at the 3rd Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology jointly with the 6th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology; May 11-14, 2009; Yokohama, Japan.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R., Chittur, S., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Antineoplastons inhibit MCM complex in glioblastoma cells. Presented at the 3rd Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology jointly with the 6th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology; May 11-14, 2009; Yokohama, Japan.

    Burzynski, S.R. New research on molecular mechanisms and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Presented at the 17th Annual world Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies, Spring 2009 Session; April 21-April 25, 2009; Orlando, Florida.

    Burzynski, S. Life extension through application of chromatin remodeling agents. Presented at the 7th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress & Medispa; March 19-March 21, 2009; Monte-Carlo, Monaco.

    Marquis, A., Kubove, E., Walczak, M., Burzynski, S. Hepatocellular carcinoma, recurrent after standard therapy, successfully treated with a combination of targeted therapies. Presented at the 20th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment; February 3-February 6, 2009; Paris, France.

    Weaver, R., De Leon, L., Burzynski, S. A complete response in a patient with inoperable adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas treated with a combination of gene-targeted therapies. Presented at the 20th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment; February 3-February 6, 2009; Paris, France.

    Burzynski, S.R. The Coming Pandemic of Liver Cancer. In Search of Genomic Solutions. Presented at the 16th Annual World Congress of A4M, Winter 2008 Session; December 12-December 15, 2008; Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Szymkowski, B., Samuel, S., Burzynski, G. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in patients with newly diagnosed anaplastic astrocytoma: A preliminary report. Presented at the 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology; November 20-November 23, 2008; Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Burzynski, S.R., Patil, S., Chittur, S., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Antineoplaston AS2-1 affects cell cycle checkpoints leading to apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells. Presented at the 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology; November 20-November 23, 2008; Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Burzynski, S.R., Patil, S., Ilkowska-Musial, E., Chittur, S., Gupta, V., Sarangi, R. Pathway analysis of the effect of chromatin remodeling agent phenylbutyrate on the brains of honeybees. Presented at Neuroscience 2008; November 15-November 19, 2008; Washington D.C.

    Burzynski, S.R. Practical Application of Gene Silencing Theory of Aging. Life Extension in Animals and Human Clinical Trials. Presented at the Dubai Congress on Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine (DCAAAM); November 7-November 9, 2008; Dubai.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons and Targeted Gene Therapy. Presented at ACAM Scientific Conference; October 15-October 19, 2008; Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Szymkowski, B., Walczak, M., Burzynski, G. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 infusions (ANP) in patients with recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma. Presented at the European Association for NeuroOncology (EANO); September 12-September 14, 2008; Barcelona, Spain.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R., Chittur, E., Mrowczynski, K.G. The ingredients of antineoplaston AS2-1 down-regulate glycolysis pathways in glioblastoma cells. Presented at the European Association for NeuroOncology (EANO); September 12-September 14, 2008; Barcelona, Spain.

    Burzynski, S.R. Practical application of gene silencing theory of aging. Life extension in animal testing and human clinical trials. Presented at the European Congress on Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine (ECAAAM); September 11-September 14, 2008; Düsseldorf, Germany.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R., Janicki, T., Walczak, M., Szymkowski, B., Samuel, S. Phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in children with optic pathway glioma: A preliminary report. Presented at the 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology; June 29-July 2, 2008; Chicago, Illinois.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genome, Epigenome and Aging. Presented at the First Annual Iberian Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Biomedical Technologies; May 29-31, 2008; Estoril, Portugal.

    Burzynski, S.R. Personalized Cancer Treatment in Genomics Era. Presented at the First Annual Iberian Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Biomedical Technologies; May 29-31, 2008; Estoril, Portugal.

    Burzynski, S.R. Practical application of gene silencing theory of aging. Life extension in animals and human clinical trials. Presented at the 16th Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies; April 25-27, 2008; Orlando, Florida.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplaston peptides in treating cancer. Presented at the 2008 Orthomolecular Health-Medicine conference; February 29-March 2, 2008; San Francisco, California.

    Burzynski, S.R. Anti-Aging peptides—a new frontier in healing. Presented at the 2008 Orthomolecular Health-Medicine conference; February 29-March 2, 2008; San Francisco, California.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genomic approach to cancer treatment. Presented at the 15th Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies; December 12-15, 2007; Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genomics in Cancer Treatment. Presented at the 1st Annual India Conference on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine; November 16-18, 2007; Mumbai, India.

    Burzynski, S.R. Epigenomic Approach to Anti-Aging. Presented at the 1st Annual India Conference on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine; November 16-18, 2007; Mumbai, India.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B. A case report of a complete response and 20-year survival of a patient with a recurrent, diffuse, intrinsic brainstem anaplastic astrocytoma. Presented at the Society for Neuro-Oncology 12th Annual Scientific Meeting; November 15-18, 2007; Dallas, Texas.

    Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Phenylacetylglutamine (PG) and phenylacetate (PN) interact additively to produce detachment-induced apoptosis/anoikis in glioblastoma cells. Presented at the Society for Neuro-Oncology 12th Annual Scientific Meeting; November 15-18, 2007; Dallas, Texas.

    Burzynski, S.R., Tempczyk-Russell, A., Ilkowska-Musial, E. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) and related protein fragmentation in consolidation of memory. Presented at Neuroscience 2007, the Society’s Annual Meeting; November 3-7, 2007; Sand Diego, California.

    Burzynski, S.R. Epigenomic approach to anti-aging. Presented at: 4th Congresso Internacional de Antienvelhecimento; October 26-27, 2007; Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Burzynski, S.R. Nutrition and ageing : Gene silencing or gene activation. Presented at: 10th European Nutrition Conference; July 10-13, 2007; Paris, France.

    Burzynski, S.R. La solution génétique contre le vieillissement. Presented at: Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress; March 22-24, 2007; Monte Carlo.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genetics of Brain Aging (II). Genetic Mechanisms in Encoding and Consolidation of Memory. Presented at: 14th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine; December 7-10, 2006; Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B.J., Khan, M.I., Dolgopolov, V. Treatment of multicentric brainstem gliomas with Antineoplastons (ANP) A10 and AS2-1. Presented at the Society for Neuro-Oncology’s 11th Annual Meeting; November 16-19, 2006; Orlando, Florida.

    Burzynski, S.R., Christensen, R., Ilkowska-Musial, E. Memory processing proteins have common amino acid sequences with Scotophobin. Presented at: Neuroscience 2006, the Society’s 36th annual meeting; October 14-18, 2006; Atlanta, Georgia.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Szymkowski, B., Jurida, G.F. Phase II studies of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in adult patients with diffuse intrinsic brainstem gliomas. Presented at: The European Association for Neuro Oncology: 7th Congress Vienna Hofburg Congress Center; September 14-17, 2006; Vienna, Austria.

    Burzynski, S.R. Genetics of Brain Aging (I). Gene Silencing in Neurons. Presented at: 14th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine; July 14-16, 2006; Chicago, Illinois.

    Burzynski, S.R. The Genetic Solution for Anti-Aging. Presented at: 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium and Exposition; June 16-18, 2006; Tokyo, Japan.

    Burzynski, S.R. The Genetic Solution for Anti-Aging. Workshop (III) Aminocare Products and Aging of the Brain. Presented at: 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium and Exposition; June 16-18, 2006; Tokyo, Japan.

    Burzynski, S.R. The Genetic Solution for Anti-Aging. Workshop (II) Aminocare Products and Skin Aging. Presented at: 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium and Exposition; June 16-18, 2006; Tokyo, Japan.

    Burzynski, S.R. The Genetic Solution for Anti-Aging. Workshop (I) Theory and Age-Management with Aminocare Products. Presented at: 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium and Exposition; June 16-18, 2006; Tokyo, Japan

    Burzynski, S.R. Gene Silencing Theory of Aging. Presented at: 1st Anti-Aging International Symposium and Exposition; June 16-18, 2006; Tokyo, Japan.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Jurida, G.F., Szymkowski, B.G., Kubove, E. Phase II studies of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in children with newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic brainstem gliomas. Presented at: 12th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology; June 6-9, 2006; Nara, Japan.

    Burzynski, S.R. Chronobiology of Aging. Presented at: International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; May 10-13, 2006; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland.

    Burzynski, S.R. The Genetic Solution for Anti-Aging. Presented at: 14th International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine; April 7-9, 2006; Orlando, Florida.

    Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Szymkowski, B.G., Jurida, G.F. Burzynski, B. Phase II studies of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in patients with recurrent, diffuse intrinsic brain stem gliomas. Presented at the 17th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment; January 30-February 2, 2006; Paris, France.

    Burzynski, S.R. Master Clock of Life (II). How to Turn the Clock Back. Presented at: XIII International Congres on Anti-Aging Medicine; December 8-12, 2005; Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Burzynski, S.R. Master Clock of Life (I) “Junk DNA” and Promotors Region as Major Components of the Clock. Presented at: XIII International Congres of Anti-Aging Medicine; August 19-21, 2005; Chicago, Illinois.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, B., Jurida, G. Targeted therapy with ANP in children less than 4 years old with inoperable brain stem gliomas. Presented at: 2nd Quadrennial meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology/ 6th meeting of the European Association of NeuroOncology; May 5-8, 2005; Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

    Weaver, R.A., Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, B., Jurida, G., Szymkowski, B. Long-term survival in patients with glioblastoma multiforme treated in phase II studies with ANP. Presented at: 2nd Quadrennial meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology/ 6th meeting of the European Association of NeuroOncology; May 5-8, 2005; Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

    Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T.J., Weaver, R.A., Burzynski, B. Targeted therapy with Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) of high grade, recurrent and progressive brain stem glioma. Presented at the 16th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment; February 1-4, 2005; Paris, France.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons. Presented at: The Cleveland Clinic Neuro-Oncology 2005: Current Concepts; January 29-31, 2005; Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA.

    Burzynski, S.R., Jacquet, A., Moore, N., Musial, L. Gene silencing theory of aging: the clinical trial supporting the theory. Presented at: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Conference on Anti-Aging Medicine, December 2-5, 2004; Las Vegas, USA.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R. Bestak. M., Lewy, R.I., Janicki, T., Jurida, G., Szymkowski, B., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Long-term survivals in phase II studies of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in patients with diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioma. Presented at: 9th Annual Meeting Society for Neuro-Oncology, November 18-21, 2004; Toronto, Canada.

    Weaver, R.A., Burzynski, S.R., Bestak, M., Lewy, R.I., Janicki, T.J., Szymkowski, B., Jurida, G., Khan, M.I., Dolgopolov, V. Phase II study of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme. Presented at: 9th Annual Meeting Society for Neuro-Oncology, November 18-21, 2004; Toronto, Canada.

    Burzynski, S.R., Janicki, T., Weaver, R., Jurida, G., Szymkowski, B., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Clinical application of body epigenetic system. Multi-targeted therapy for primary brain tumors. Presented at World Conference on Magic Bullets Celebrating Paul Ehrlich’s 150th Birthday; September, 2004; Nurnberg, Germany.

    Burzynski, S.R. The new generation of food supplements effecting gene expression. Presented at 2nd Congress Food, Nutrition and Health in Poland Intergrated with European Union; June 23-26, 2004; Warsaw, Poland.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Bestak, M., Janicki, T.J, Szymkowski, B., Jurida G., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Treatment of Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors (PNET) with Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP). Preliminary Results of Phase II Studies. Presented at 11th International Symposium on Pediatric Nuero-Oncology; June 13-16, 2004; Boston, MA.

    Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Bestak, M., Janicki, T.J, Jurida G., Szymkowski, B., Khan, M., Dolgopolov, V. Phase II Studies of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in Children with Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumors (AT/RT) of the Central Nervous System. A Preliminary Report. Presented at 11th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology; June 13-16, 2004; Boston, MA.

    Burzynski, S.R., Lewy, R.I., Axler, M., Janicki, T.J. Treatment of Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) with Sodium Phenylbutyrate. Presented at the 15th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment; February 9-12, 2004, Paris, France.

    Waldbillig, R.J., Mrowczynski, E., Burzynski, S.R. Phenylacetic acid (PN) and Phenylacetylglutamine (PG): Mechanism of Uptake and changes in Epigenetic-Mechanisms Regulating Gene Expression. Presented at the 2nd Annual American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) International Conference; October 26-30, 2003, Phoenix, AZ.

    Burzynski, S.R. Interaction of antineoplastons with genome in cancer and aging. Presented at: Annual Meeting of International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology; September 12-13, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons in: Cancer Treatment and Age Management Therapy. Presented at American Collage for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM); May 16, 2003, Washington, DC.

    Burzynski, S.R. The State of Antineoplaston Research – Spring of 2003. Presented at the 5th Annual Comprehensive Cancer Care Conference; April 11, 2003, Washington, DC.

    Waldbillig, R.J., Burzynski, S.R. The application of chromatography to the pharmacokinetic study of Antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium of Chromatography and Natural Products; June 12-15, 2002, Lublin, Poland.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons. Presented at ‘Health-Trends 2000′, The 2nd International Conference; August 27-29, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Burzynski, S.R. Phase II Trial of Antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 in Brain Stem Glioma. Presented at International Conference on Integrative Medicine; May 1, 1999, Seattle, Washington, USA.

    Czerwinski, A., Klimczak, M.W., Burzynski, S.R. Enancjoselektywna analiza skladnikow Antyneoplastonu A10 metoda HPLC. Presented at the XVII Naukowy Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Farmaceutycznego, September 1998, Krakow, Poland.

    Burzynski, S.R. Gene Therapy with Antineoplastons. Presented at Comprehensive Cancer Care; June, 1998, Washington, D.C., USA.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons in the Treatment of Malignant Brain Tumors. Presented at 5th International Conference of Anti-Aging Medicine and Biomedical Technology; December, 1997, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    Burzynski, S.R. New Concepts in Innovative Cancer Therapies. Presented at 4th Annual Conference on Anti-Aging Medicine and Biomedical Technology; Dec., 1996, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons Today. Presented at the First International Congress On Alternative & Complementary Medicine; May, 1995; Washington, DC, USA.

    Soltysiak-Pawluczuk, D., Burzynski, S.R. Uptake Characteristics of Antineoplaston AS2-1 by Human Hepatoma Cells. Presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1993; Stockholm, Sweden.

    Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. Synergistic Inhibitory Effect of Antineoplaston A5 and Thymidine on the Growth of Human Cancer Cell Lines. Presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1993; Stockholm, Sweden.

    Liau, M.C., Liau, C.P., Burzynski, S.R. Helper Inducers of Terminal Differentiation. Presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1993; Stockholm, Sweden.

    Burzynski, S.R., Szymkowski, B., Kubove, E. Phase II Clinical Trials of Antineoplaston AS2-1 in Asymptomatic HIV Infection. Presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1993; Stockholm, Sweden.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E., Szymkowski, B. Phase II Clinical Trials of Antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 Infusions in High Grade Glioma. Presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1993; Stockholm, Sweden.

    Kleinrok, Z., Burzynski, S.R., Juszkiewicz, M., Chodkowska, A., Feldo, M. The Influence of Antineoplaston A5 on the Central Dopaminergic Structures. Presented at: 11th Congress of the Polish Pharmacological Society; September, 1992; Gdansk, Poland.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E., Szymkowski, B., Burzynski, B. Phase II Clinical Trials of Novel Differentiation Inducer – Antineoplaston AS2-1 in AIDS and Asymptomatic HIV Infection. VIII International Conference on AIDS/III STD World Congress; July, 1992; Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    Burzynski, S.R. Differentiation Inducers-Possible Agents for Cancer Therapy in Pregnancy. Presented at the World Congress of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine; May, 1992; Krakow, Poland.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E., Burzynski, B. Phase II Clinical Trials of Antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 Infusions in Astrocytoma. Presented at the 17th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1991; Berlin, Germany.

    Liau, M.C., Luong, Y., Liau, C.P., Burzynski, S.R. Prevention of Drug-Induced DNA Hypermethylation by Antineoplastons. Presented at the 17th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1991; Berlin, Germany.

    Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. Synergistic Effect of Antineoplaston A5 and Retinoic Acid on the Induction of Human Promyelocytic Leukemia line HL-60. Presented at the 17th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1991; Berlin, Germany.

    Liau, M.C., Lee, S.S., Liau, C.P., Burzynski, S.R. Efficient Methylation when Locked in Place Becomes a Major Problem of Cancer. Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, May, 1991, Houston, Texas, USA.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons. Presented at: The World Research Foundation Congress, October 7, 1990, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

    Ashraf, A.Q., Kampalath, B.N., Burzynski, S.R. Pharmacokinetic Study of Radioactive Antineoplaston AS2-1 Following Oral Administration in Rats. Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy, March, 1990, Geneva, Switzerland.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E., Burzynski, B. Treatment of Hormonally Refractory Cancer of the Prostate with Antineoplaston AS2-1. Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy, March, 1990, Geneva, Switzerland.

    Liau, M.C., Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. Abnormal Methylation Enzymes as Selective Targets of Cancer Therapy. Presented at the 42nd Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute; October, 1989; Houston, Texas, USA.

    Liau, M.C., Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. Hypomethylation of Nucleic Acids: A Key to the Induction of Terminal Differentiation. Presented at the 10th Congress of the Polish Pharmacological Society, September, 1989, Bialystok, Poland.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons – New Way for Cancer Chemotherapy. Presented at the 10th Congress of the Polish Pharmacological Society, September, 1989, Bialystok, Poland.

    Liau, M.C., Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. Role of Methylation Enzymes in Directing Phenotypic Changes. Presented at the 41st Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research. M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute; October, 1988; Houston, Texas, USA.

    Liau, M.C., Khalid, M., Burzynski, S.R. Differentiation Inducing Factors of Antineoplaston A5. Presented at the 8th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; March, 1988; Pisa, Italy.

    Khalid, M., Burzynski, S.R. Phenylacetylglutamine Derivatives as Novel Chemotherapeutic Agents. Presented at the 8th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; March, 1988; Pisa, Italy.

    Lee, S. S., Burzynski, S.R. Terminal Differentiation of HL-60 Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells Induced by Antineoplaston A2. Presented at the 8th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; March, 1988; Pisa, Italy.

    Ashraf, A.Q., Kampalath, B.N., Burzynski, S.R. Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Antineoplaston A10 Injections Following Intravenous Administration in Rats. Presented at the 8th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; March, 1988; Pisa, Italy.

    Burzynski, S.R. Treatment of Malignant Brain Tumors with Antineoplastons. Presented at the 8th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; March, 1988; Pisa, Italy.

    Liau, M.C., Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. Modulation of Tumor Methylation Complex Isozymes as a Decisive Factor in the Induction of Differentiation by Antineoplaston A5. Presented at the 4th European Conference on Clinical Oncology and Cancer Nursing; November, 1987; Madrid, Spain.

    Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. Induction of Differentiation of HL-60 Human Promyelocytic Leukemic Cells by Antineoplaston A5. Presented at the 4th European Conference on Clinical Oncology and Cancer Nursing; November, 1987; Madrid, Spain.

    Kampalath, B.N., Liau, M.C., Burzynski, B., Burzynski, S.R. Protective Effect of Antineoplaston A10 in Hepatocarcinogenesis Induced by Aflatoxin B 1. Presented at the 4th European Conference on Clinical Oncology and Cancer Nursing; November, 1987; Madrid, Spain.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E., Burzynski, B. Phase I Clinical Studies of Oral Formulation of Antineoplaston A3. Presented at the 10th International Congress of Pharmacology, August, 1987, Sydney, Australia.

    Liau, M.C., Ashraf, A.Q., Burzynski, S.R. Active Anticancer Components of Antineoplaston Formulations. Presented at the 10th International Congress of Pharmacology, August, 1987, Sydney, Australia.

    Ashraf, A.Q., Burzynski, S.R. Comparative Study of Antineoplaston A10 Levels in Plasma of Healthy People and Cancer Patients. Presented at the 15th International Congress of Chemotherapy; July, 1987; Istanbul, Turkey.

    Burzynski, S.R. Treatment of Bladder Cancer with Antineoplaston Formulations. Presented at the 15th International Congress of Chemotherapy; July, 1987; Istanbul, Turkey.

    Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons: Basic Research and Clinical Applications. Presented at the 15th International Congress of Chemotherapy; July, 1987; Istanbul, Turkey.

    Burzynski, S.R. Modeling Studies Suggest the Modified Dipeptide Analog Phenylacetylamino-2, 6-piperidinedione May Interact with DNA. Presented at the 15th International Congress of Chemotherapy; July, 1987; Istanbul, Turkey.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E., Burzynski, B. Phase I Clinical Studies of Oral Formulation of Antineoplaston AS2-1. Presented at the 15th International Congress of Chemotherapy; July, 1987; Istanbul, Turkey.

    Lee, S.S., Burzynski, S.R. A Unique Pattern of Growth Inhibition by Antineoplaston A5 on a T-Leukemia Cell Line. Presented at the 14th Annual meeting of the International Society of Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine; August, 1986; Helsinki, Finland.

    Liau, M.C., Kampalath, B.N., Szopa, M., Burzynski, B., Burzynski, S.R. Chemo-surveillance: A Novel Concept on the Natural Defense Mechanism Against Cancer. Presented at the 14th Annual meeting of the International Society of Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine; August, 1986; Helsinki, Finland.

    Kampalath, B.N., Liau, M.C., Burzynski, B., Burzynski, S.R. Chemoprevention by Antineoplaston A10 on Benzo (1) pyrene Induced Pulmonary Neoplasia. Presented at the 5th Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy; October, 1986; Cairo, Egypt.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E. Phase I Clinical Studies of Antineoplaston A2 Injections. Presented at the 14th International Cancer Congress; August, 1986; Budapest, Hungary.

    Hendry, L.B., Lehner, A.F., Muldoon, T.G., Copland, J.A., Mahesh, V.B., Mills, T.M., Burzynski, S.R. Investigations of the Mode of Action of Antineoplaston A10: Evidence for Binding to DNA. Presented at the 14th International Cancer Congress; August, 1986; Budapest, Hungary.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E., Burzynski, B. Phase I Clinical Studies of Antineoplaston A5 Injections. Presented at the III World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; July, 1986; Stockholm, Sweden.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E. Phase I Clinical Studies of Antineoplaston A3 Injections. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1986; Pisa, Italy.

    Khalid, M., Burzynski, S.R. N,N’-disubstituted L-isoglutamines as Novel Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1986; Pisa, Italy.

    Lee, S.S., Mohabbat, M.O., Burzynski, S.R. In Vitro Cancer Growth Iinhibition and Acute Animal Toxicity Studies of Antineoplaston A3. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1986; Pisa, Italy.

    Lehner, A.F., Copland, J.A., Muldoon, T.G., Burzynski, S.R., Hendry, L.B. In Vitro Studies of the Stereospecificity of Antineoplaston A10 Interaction with Double-stranded DNA. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1986; Pisa, Italy.

    Ashraf, A.Q., Kampalath, B.N., Liau, M.C., Burzynski, S.R. Pharmacokinetic Study of Radioactive Antineoplaston A10 Following Oral Administration in Rats. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1986; Pisa, Italy.

    Hendry, L.B., Muldoon, T.G., Burzynski, S.R., Copland, J.A., Lehner, A.F. Stereochemical Modeling Studies of the Interaction of Antineoplaston A10 with DNA. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1986; Pisa, Italy.

    Burzynski, S.R., Kubove, E. Phase I Clinical Studies of Antineoplaston Al 0 Injections. Presented at the 2nd Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Oncology; February, 1986; Bombay, India.

    Burzynski, S.R., Lehner, A.F., Hendry, L.B. Putative Mechanism of Action of a Novel Peptide Analog with Apparent Antineoplastic Activity: Stereospecific interaction with DNA. Presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine; September, 1985; Paris, France.

    Liau, M.C., Szopa, M., Burzynski, B., Burzynski, S.R. Quantitative Assay of Plasma and Urinary Peptides as Aid for Evaluation of Cancer Patients Undergoing Antineoplaston Therapy. Presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine; September, 1985; Paris, France.

    Hendry, L.B. Lehner, A.F., Burzynski, S.R. A Novel Naturally-occurring Peptide Analog with Apparent Antineoplastic Activity May Interact with DNA. Presented at the International Symposium, Cancer: Perspective for Control; August, 1985; Beijing, China.

    Hendry, L.B., Lehner, A.F., Burzynski, S.R. Spectroscopic Studies of the Interaction of Antineoplaston A10 with DNA. Presented at the 12th Symposium of the International Association for Comparative Research on Leukemia and Related Disease; July, 1985; Hamburg, Germany.

    Burzynski, S.R. Phase I Clinical Studies of Antineoplaston AS2-5 Iinjections. Presented at the 14th International Congress of Chemotherapy; June, 1985; Kyoto, Japan.

    Burzynski, S.R., Burzynski, B., Mohabbat, M.O. Phase I Clinical Studies of Antineoplaston AS2-1 Injection. Presented at the 3rd European Conference on Clinical Oncology and Cancer Nursing; June, 1985; Stockholm, Sweden.

    Liau, M.C., Burzynski, S.R. Alteration of Methylation Complex of Isoenzymes Critical to Malignant Evolution. Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, October, 1984; Houston, USA.

    Burzynski, S.R., Mohabbat, M.O., Burzynski, B. Toxicology Studies of Oral Formulation of Antineoplaston A10 in Cancer Patients. Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1984; Pisa, Italy.

    Lee, S. S., Mohabbat, M.O., Burzynski, S.R. Tissue Culture and Animal Toxicity Studies of Antineoplaston A2. Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy; May, 1984; Pisa, Italy.

    Burzynski, S.R., Hendry, L.B., Mohabbat, M.O., Liau, M.C., Khalid, M., Burzynski, B. Purification, Structure Determination, Synthesis and Animal Toxicity Studies of Antineoplaston A10; PS 12.4.11-4. Presented at the 13th International Congress on Chemotherapy, TOM 17; August, 1983; Vienna, Austria.

    Burzynski, S.R. Recent Advances in Ultramicroanalysis of Biologically Active Peptides. Presented at the 30th Southwest Regional American Chemical Society meeting, 1974; Houston, Texas.

    Ungar, G., Burzynski, S.R. Detection of a Behavior-inducing Peptide (Scotophobin) in Brain by Ultramicroanalytical Method. Fed Proc., 1972; 31: 398.

    Burzynski, S.R., Czerniak, Z. The Photometry of Negative Printed Chromatograms and its Application for Amino Acid Analysis in Human Blood. Biuletyn VII Ogolnopolskiej Konferencji Studenckich Kol Naukowych Akademii Medycznych; 1966; Poznan, Poland.

    1. Congratulations on cut and pasting from Burzynski’s CV, freely available on his clinic’s website. However, you clearly fail to understand the value of what he has “published”. So many of these are just abstracts of posters presented at various conferences. Not peer-reviewed and containing only preliminary data. Herein lies a problem – he has only ever shown preliminary data. For a useful summary of his “publications” I suggest you read http://freethoughtblogs.com/blaghag/2011/11/a-look-at-the-burzynski-clinics-publications/

      1. You are amazingly brainwashed by corporate media, and shitty blogs for that matter. You defend the very people that oppress you and that’s sad. The fact is, Burzynski’s treatments are more effective than outdated chemo and radiation (patented in the 1970’s?), and are non-toxic. There’s no argument to the contrary.

        All of the studies published by Kevin Stahl above are indeed respectable journals. You’re telling me that Neuro-Oncology from Oxford Journals of Oxford University Press is not? Who are you going to trust, some hate blog, or a professional medical study and publication? Once the hate blogs get their “data” into Neuro-Oncology, maybe I’ll listen to them.



        1. There are counterarguments about the toxicity. Go to theotherburzynskipatientgroup.wordpress.com. All of those are patients, and all of the ones on ANP talk about the toxic side effects. If you read his consent form, he lists the toxicities. But if you won’t believe Burzynski, who will you believe, eh?

          1. Yeah, having to take a piss a lot seems to be the major side effect. Now let’s compare that to chemo and radiation that are so harmful they can create their own diseases aside from the original cancer.

        2. I can only assume from that comment that you really have no clue about what is meant by evidence and critical appraisal. The claimed “publications” in Neuro-Oncology are just abstracts of conference posters. This is why they are not listed as publications in PubMed. Conference posters are rarely, if ever, peer-reviewed and are regarded by the scientific and medical community as being very low-level.

    2. There is NO evidence here.

      The Burzynski apologists and sycophants fail to understand that anecdotes, propaganda, and unreviewed stats mean nothing in the real world of science.

      The fact that Byrzynski and his cronies are unable to produce any evidence is damning.

      1. The lack of evidence disclaiming his presentation in his movie is equally damning.

        That is the point of all this of course to get to the truth about if he is being suppressed or if he is a quack which you conclude with absolutely Zero evidence.

        Can you discredit the facts presented in his movie? That the same people who sought to prosecute him attempted to gain patents on his ideas, and that they intentionally attempted to skew results of clinical trials to discredit him by not following the protocols? What empirical evidence can you present that this is false?

        The story of this Dr. is documented with court filings. Can you discredit the filings and findings?

        What evidence do you have did not that a former employee along with the United States didn’t attempt to patent his ideas?

        Are you saying this is a lie? If so post the truth.

  13. Burzynski has published a lot of reports; but none of the ones I’ve looked at can be considered evidence of his treatments’ efficacy. The plural of “anecdote” is not “evidence”.

    See http://www.ganfyd.org/index.php?title=Burzynski_clinic#Articles_about_antineoplastons_or_by_Stanislaw_Burzynski for a more detailed consideration of some of the papers purported (inaccurately) by Burzyinski and his supporters to provide evidence for his treatments.

    1. All this post does is beg the questions raised by the movie. Which is simply is he being railroaded because he has patents in such a manor that the certain Dr.’s, FDA and the NCI attempted to both steal his patent and intentionally skew the results of test that were begun so they could be discredited.

      Have you seen the presentation in the movie? Do you claim that the facts presented therein are false? If so, post for us the truth that is misrepresented in the film. Thanks.

  14. What can you say about vitamin B17? Have you really investigate about it? Did you know who was Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura and what happen to him and the results of his studies?

  15. I am a atheist and skeptical like you, but I accept that the Vitamin B17 prevent cancer, cure cancer preventing it.

    . “ANTINEOPLASTON”, “Quemoterapy” “Radiatiation” “Surgey” only treat the consecuense, not cause of cancer…

    You can read “world without cancer” of Edward Griffin and know the REAL HISTORY BEHIND THE CANCER BUSINESS. You can read “ALIVE AND WELL” of Philip E. Binzel y make your conclusion about it….

    You can find information about ALL THE PEOPLE Mentioned in these books, more relevant scientific information in PUBMED… also, find information about the scientist mentioned in “World Without Cancer” in many journals of medicine, including biography of Kanematsu Sugiura…

    Read the history of vitamin b17. You will be surprise…
    It doesnt matter if it is or not a vitamin. The importance here is that PREVENT CANCER…

  16. Finally, Burzynski has found no cure. He Is only doing what other doctors are doing with the RADIO AND CHEMO and becoming rich at the expense of the sick. Their treatment does not cure all cancer, according to his own documentary “Burzinski, cancer is serious business.” He is trying the consequence, not the cause of cancer.

  17. Perhaps your kiddy propaganda doesn’t get it. The United States is not Wales. In the United States, the federal regulators, peer review process, the medical industry, and higher education institutions are all beholden to huge private industries. The fact that Burzynski hasn’t been “officially” published is telling, not of the morality of Burzynski himself, but of the morality of the commercial publishers who are unwilling to publish his work.

    The only reason that you’ve gotten all of this publicity is because it’s profitable to amplify voices like yours, while silencing any voices of dissent. One would think that this would be obvious to someone like yourself who is supposedly an atheist and a skeptic. How is it that you can see through the lies of religion, yet totally blind yourself to any wrongdoing in contemporary medicine, or, profit-driven industry on the whole? You might as well go to your nearest stock exchange or central bank and start praying to the gods of private enterprise. I think as you grow older, you will look back at your mini-legacy and your Wikipedia page in deep personal regret.

    1. This is a typical response from a typical woo-peddler. Poor Dr. Burzynski is the victim, and his so-called persecution is always someone else’s fault. He’s being “kept down” by “the man”, right?

      Your self righteous attitude and act is typical, and quite common. You talk about “silencing voices of dissent”, yet you, and many others who are quite obviously loud and vocal voices of dissent have your comments posted right here in this very blog comment section. With that one proclamation, you show yourself to be a liar.

      Don’t you think other people notice simple and blatant lies like this? If you will lie about being “silenced” when all can plainly see that you are not, what else are you willing to lie about?

      Dr. Burzynski is morally reprehensible, and unfortunately, so are you.

  18. Well…I am happy to know that even when people don’t believe some people still try hard to achieve what they always wanted to…and some of you are just missed informed! Just yesterday I watched a documentary about Dr Burzynsky an that is a MAN with the power to fight and fight over and over again and if you can understand what was said and proved you will never say that he was doing wrong! OPEN YOUR EYES and your HEARS!!!

  19. This latest research was not reflected in the 2011 guidance from NICE which does not recommend the combination treatment. Whether doctors will prescribe both medicines together, especially on the NHS, is unclear.

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